
Winning the Heart of the Mischievous Duke (Preview)

Chapter 1

The music played softly, sending an air of happiness and celebration through the entire room. Lady Esther stood by the corner, placing the lilies in the right places. Everyone was gathered, waiting for the arrival of the couple. Lady Katherine was at the other end, signaling to Esther, asking if everything was alright. Esther nodded vigorously; her excitement was quite obvious in her smile.

It was the beginning of a new season and her friend, Anne Balfour, was now wed to Lord Henry Huntington, Duke of Richmond. Lady Esther had taken it upon her to deal with the wedding preparations. Anne, along with Lady Katherine Ramsbury, daughter of the Duke of Somerset, happened to be Esther’s best friends. The three had been inseparable since youth.

The ballroom threshold pushed open minutes later, and a shout erupted from every corner of the room. The couple walked in, hand in hand, eyes on each other. Lady Anne, now wife of Henry Huntington, Duke of Richmond, was dressed as a bride should be in a flowing white dress and her hair adorned with white roses. Esther reached up to wipe away a tear of happiness. She was delighted that her friend had found joy at last.

Despite the circumstances surrounding their union, Anne and Henry had pulled through. Esther shuddered, thinking of it all. She didn’t want her relationship to be so complicated. She knew she didn’t have the strength for such. She just wanted to wed Nicholas, be happy, and start a family. The roar of laughter drew her attention to the crowd. She looked up.

Clinging to Lord Richmond’s arms, Anne hid her giggle by pressing herself into his embrace. She looked beautiful. Esther wondered if she would look so divinely happy and elegant on the day she and Nicholas wed.

“Oh, Nicholas,” she sighed as she watched Anne chuckle at something Lord Henry said. Theirs was true love! Even someone who stood miles away could see it.

Esther sighed again at their bliss. Not in a jealous way, but in a romantic way. She could hardly wait to be joined with Nicholas and share their love. They were going to get married, and they were going to look into each other’s eyes, just the way her friend and her new husband were doing at this moment.

Esther had known Nicholas Kel, Viscount of Milway, since she was a babe. Their families had strong friendship bonds and the two had grown up together. At her debutante, he had been there for her. And not long after, he had approached her and started to make advances. When he was sure she felt the same way as he did, he went on to seek permission from her father and began courting her. They went to events together, shared quality time, and even spent time with one another during afternoon tea.

Esther was so confident that she loved him. He meant so much to her. She couldn’t wait for them to become man and wife, finally.

Her eyes widened when the Duke and Duchess of Richmond announced that the waltz might take place. She clapped her hands gleefully and squealed, attracting stares from around her. She blushed when a young gentleman beside her stared at her in amusement. Esther put her hand to her mouth and cast her gaze down.

Looking around, Esther could see no sign of her fiancé. She wanted to have a dance with him. However, as much as she loved to waltz, on this occasion, she also wanted him to be there when Anne threw the bouquet. Esther was hoping on catching the bunch of flowers.

She walked up to Nicholas’ sister, Mary, who stood with her red hair pinned up high and her hands holding on to her husband’s, Lord Julien, a Scottish Count. Esther smiled in her direction as she grew closer. Mary was very close with Nicholas, and Esther assumed that she would know of his whereabouts.

“Hello, Lord Julien,” She curtsied. Then nodded to Mary, who wore a bright smile. “Lady Mary.”

“Lady Esther!” Mary kissed both her cheeks and stood upright. “Hello.”

“Have you seen Nicholas?” She requested, hurriedly, glancing behind her shoulders. “I want us to waltz together.”

Lady Julien nodded, pointing to the door behind her. “He just went out for a bit to get some air. I’m sure he’ll be back soon.” Her smile softened. “And Esther, he kept talking about having to walk down the aisle with you. He can’t wait.”

Esther creased her brows. That was so unlike Nicholas to become emotional. But honestly, she wasn’t surprised that the ceremony had moved him as it was quite affecting. Casting her lashes down, Esther nodded at the couple. “I have to find him then.”

Gathering her skirts slightly, Esther headed towards that direction which led to a dark path of the manor.

Esther stepped onto the darkened pathway and walked toward a small, stone structure erected a distance away from the ballroom. Since she didn’t see him in the gardens or along the path, she assumed he was inside the enclosure. Being of an unassuming character, Esther kept her steps light to avert an echo on the polished stone footpath and, of course, she would never have thought to have called out Nicholas’ name. That would have been too assertive for someone of her timid nature.

As she approached, rugged breathings hung in the air. Was someone choking? Should she seek help before going further?

She stopped by the candleholder beside the wall. She stared around. The ball seemed so far away from the corner where she stood.

“More,” came a low moan from the open area.

Esther creased her brows, still quite confused. Then she walked deeper into the secluded area, making sure to avoid the clump of her shoes.

“Yes! More!” A woman’s raspy voice said.

Esther stilled; her spine went stiff. Her hands went cold. Was it what she thought it was? Had she stumbled upon a passionate interlude? Blushing deeply, Esther prepared to turn away until she heard the woman’s next words.

“Yes, Nicholas…more!” the throaty voice moaned.

“No.” Esther shook her head, it couldn’t be.

Propelled by her faith, she stepped towards the opening and peered her head out to look around the dimly lit corridor. Her face was drained of colour as she took in the scene. A lady had her back to the wall, her hands in her partner’s hair, their lips exchanged kisses frantically, quickly, as though they couldn’t have enough of each other. His hands moved against her exposed thighs, his breath ragged, more like panting. Moans filled the air. Esther was unconcerned about the heat and passion these two oozed, she was more concerned that standing there, caressing that woman, was her fiancé, Lord Nicholas Kel.




Esther was shaking. Her eyes kept blinking deliberately, trying to hide her tears. It couldn’t be, could it? That he had…No, not my Nicholas!

She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her dress and turned to the wall to breathe for a moment. Her fiancé was still in there, in the arms of another, sharing a heated moment. As it appeared, a moment of pure passion. Her hands shook as she rapidly blinked.

What was wrong with her? Why couldn’t she go out there and let him know she had seen him?

She shook her head, knowing full well that confronting him meant shattering right before his eyes. She craned her neck sideways, to see if anyone was looking at her. Thankfully, there was no one around. She swallowed hard and starting walking back to the ballroom, with her gaze down and rubbing at her hands.

“Esther, is everything alright?” Anne’s voice jolted her, her head jerked up, and her tears returned.

Anne inclined her head, her dark hair glowed, under the silver band that held the flowers. She looked beautiful. Her dark eyes settled on Esther who was again crying. “It’s nothing. You should return to your husband. You’ve just been wed.”

Anne touched her shoulders. “What happened to you Esther? It doesn’t matter that I am wed. You’re my friend.”

Clenching her jaws to hold her tears, Esther shuddered.

Anne moved closer. “Esther, if there is something wrong, then I implore you to let me in on whatever is going on.”

But Esther barely heard the words as she pulled Anne behind her and walked towards the entrance door, hoping no one else would follow. Esther nodded towards the darkness, her eyes glistening. Anne peered out, her eyes went wide, and Esther watched as her jaw clenched. She made to move forward, but Esther gripped her arm, with tears now cascading down her face, she shook her head and whispered. “Leave it be, Anne.”

Anne stared at her horrified. “Leave it be? Your fiancé, who is supposed to love you, is betraying you at my wedding! We should stop it! How can he be doing this?”

From behind them, another voice intruded. “What’s going on? Anne, you need to return to the ball. You’re being missed.” Esther sighed as Katherine joined them. She didn’t want everyone in on this.

Anne nodded, her shock still visible. When Katherine saw her pointing out towards that direction, she made to push past them and head out. But Esther gripped her arm hard, to prevent her from accosting the passionate couple, but her friend saw everything she needed to see.

With her expression cold and unreadable, Katherine looked between them. “Anne, I’ll stay with Esther. You should return to the ball. The Dowager Duchess of Richmond has been looking for you.”

“I left while everyone was dancing so I’d be unnoticed.”

“The dance is over now. Run along,” Katherine insisted.

Anne nodded once, and reluctantly turned around and walked back inside the ballroom.

Katherine turned to Esther abruptly with her voice low. “Esther, you can’t stand here crying or wallowing in self-pity. Go there and confront him. Let him know what you have seen. Now!”

Esther shook her head. “I — I can’t.”

Katherine gripped her shoulders softly, turning Esther so she could face her. “You have to do this. Gather your strength and face him squarely. He has to know that you have seen him.”

Esther shook her head again. But this time, Katherine was more insistent. “Confront him, Esther. It doesn’t matter that you cry before him. It’s a sign that you truly love him, and he has broken your heart.”

After much persuasion, Esther gave way and nodded to the path. The moans were not as loud as before. She could only hear the giggles of the woman that stood before him, baring her breasts to him. As Esther stepped out, walking reluctantly, her tears rushed. She swiped at them angrily, feeling her rage building up. As she approached, they both looked up.

The redhead pulled away from him and turned her back to Esther, gathering herself. Nicholas’ eyes widened, and he pulled at his breeches, but his face was as hard as a stone.

“Why?” Esther tried, unsuccessfully to stop herself from crying.

Nicholas cocked his head to the side. The clump of his boots echoed in her ears as he stepped forward, pulling at his waistcoat. “Lady Esther, you ask why? Because I have pleaded with you for months, days, pleaded to have you —”

“I said you’d have me when we are wed!” Esther cried. “You will wed me, then you have me. Was that too much to ask?”

“Yes!” Nicholas snapped. “It was too much to ask. That I keep myself for a wedding night that seems to be taking forever to happen.” His face softened. “I loved you, Esther, and I wanted nothing more than for our bodies to be witness to our love. But you wouldn’t give me that, so I sought it from elsewhere.”

“From another woman,” she muttered.

“I didn’t mean for it to get so far. But I remember asking for your touch five days ago! You turned me down, blushing. Esther, that was hard for me, even painful! Wedding be damned, I needed you!”

Esther nearly choked. He had called her beautiful that night. And he had said that she blushed like an angel. And that was after she had turned him down — all just a lie.

“It was just months away! You just lost your grandmother, and we thought that the ceremony would happen after your family would be through the mourning period. I wouldn’t get married to you when you still wear the black band!” she pointed to his arm where he tied the mourning band, a sign that he was still in mourning for his loss.

“Nonsense!” he snapped. Esther paled. “This band means nothing. It doesn’t stop us from sharing our love beyond telling each other.”

The redhead brushed past Esther, leaving Nicholas’ scent at her wake. A reminder that Nicholas had just bedded another. Esther nearly choked on her tears.

“And then being with her? Does that mean you get to express your love to her? Do you love her? Is that why you were with her? Do you?!”

“Look, Esther —”

“I loved you. I wanted our wedding night to be special. But then you go and do this?”

He hissed and snarled at her. “I would have ended this engagement if not for the ton. What they would say, what would they gossip. In all honesty, Esther,” Nicholas snapped the last button of his coat while trying to button up. “You bore me. You keep casting your gaze down, not looking in my eye when we talk, shifting at every little touch. You lack fire. I want a lady who would —”

“I will never forgive you for this.” Esther whispered, her tears falling more as the harsh reality of his words hit her. “It ends here, Lord Milway. You go and find yourself someone with the fire you seek. And I do hope you both burn together.”

Esther was crying profusely now. She turned abruptly and ran out of the corridor. She ran past Katherine, whom she knew had been eavesdropping. Esther clapped her hands over her mouth and ran through the twin doors that served as the main entrance of the ballroom, leaving curiosity at her wake.

She was so sure of what would happen when she opened her eyes the next morning. The news would have spread like wildfire, and she would be tongue-tied, unwilling to tell why her engagement to Nicholas had broken off.


Chapter 2

Stefan Hamilton, Sixth Duke of York, stood outside of Sands Castle, home to his mother, the Dowager Duchess Elena Hamilton, and his brothers and sister. It felt wonderful to be in the arms of his family once again. He had missed them so much.

“Stefan!” The young boy called, running towards him. The blonde that followed behind him had a scowl etched on her beautiful face, and a much older boy stood by the pillar, arms crossed, a smug smile on his face.

“Help me, Stefan!” Robert giggled, rushing behind Stefan for cover.

Alexandra glared at Stefan, “Hand the lad over.”

Stefan laughed. “Calm down, Alexandra. I’m sure the lad made a mistake. He’ll never trouble you again, I promise.”

“You always promise that Robert will never cause trouble, but he always does! There’s no escaping him. And he troubled me because he knew you’d arrived. So he could run to you and take cover. Hand him over, Stefan! I’ll spank him, so he knows never to do that again.”

“And what would mother say about you spanking her beloved, Alexandra?” Robert chided.

“Argh!” Alex growled. “You see now what he does?”

Behind her, William hid his chuckle behind a cough. Although his siblings’ disagreement entertained him, he did not want to be drawn into the fray.

Stefan tried to mediate between the two. He touched Alexandra’s shoulder and grinned down at her. “Come on now, Alex. We all know Robert always says you’re his favorite. Teasing you is his way of getting to you.”

“By troubling me, you mean. I find no favour in that.”

William couldn’t hold his laughter anymore, he burst out, clutching his sides.

Stefan hid his laughter behind a somber look. Acting as the arbiter to one of his siblings’ disputes was not the welcome he had anticipated.

“Alex, my dear sister. I’ve come a very long way from France. Is this the welcome I get?” He spread his arms wide and grinned at her.

Even his little sister could not refuse him when he smiled. She smiled back and jumped on him, hugging him dearly. “We have all missed you, Stefan!”

William sauntered over to them. Robert hugged his legs. He saw his mother emerge from the door, a smile on her face.




He had been gone for nearly three fortnights. When he was handed the duchy and everything involved in its running after the sudden death of his father, Stefan was shocked. He hadn’t been emotionally ready to take over such responsibility.

After a year of being the Duke of York, he found that he was doing it all wrong, unable to make the right decisions, unaware of what was truly happening around him. He had been trained for the day he would take over but he had not expected it to be so soon.

His mother had sent him to France, to meet with the Duke of Guise, who was her father’s longtime friend and confidante. She had said he would help her son pull through. And he had because Stefan was back— stronger and better.

“Who made this meal?” Stefan asked, nearly choking on how much salt had been added to the stew.

Robert pouted his small lips, shaking his head. “Alexandra thought she’d surprise you upon your return, so she persuaded the cook to let her prepare this. But it’s not much of a surprise anymore since the meal isn’t so good. Am I right, Stefan?”

William, who sat beside the eight-year-old burst into laughter. “Sometimes I forget you’re still a babe, Robert.”

“Am not!” Robert snapped. “Stefan said I’m a lad!”

“A lass, you mean.” Alexandra smiled sweetly from where she sat. She had been quiet while everyone ate. Except, no one was eating. They had not touched their meal at all. Only Stefan had been eating. They all knew that a lady of fine breeding with no practice whatsoever, couldn’t possibly master the art of cooking.

Stefan dabbed the side of his mouth and tossed the napkin aside. Alexandra cast her gaze down, ashamed. Stefan smiled at her. “Come on, Alex. You’re a noble lady of seventeen. Cooking isn’t for you.  Mama must have taken care of the things that a girl of your status should know by now. How to dance, paint, sew and —”

“Lady Castleroy has demanded that I learn to sew now!” Alex cried, unable to hold her tears any longer.

Robert no longer laughed or pouted. He stared at his sister in pity. William looked away.

“Who is Lady Castleroy?”

“Lady Castleroy is her chaperone.” William cleared his throat.

“Chaperone? Hmm… And she…?”

“Has been giving Alex a tough time. She’s too hard on her. And her debutante is a year away, not days away. Mother would not agree to what me and Robert say. She believes Lady Castleroy will prepare Alexandra to appear before the ton,” William hissed.

He seemed furious. “It’s quite unfair! The lady gives her almost impossible tasks. She asked Alex to walk with heavy books from papa’s library on her head! It was outrageous! And mama wasn’t around to see!”

Stefan rubbed his jaw. Although Alexandra was older than William by two years, the boy was very protective of her. Even Robert, who bothered her often, was protective of her as well. His siblings were close, they understood each other. And he liked that they did. He was proud that they were so loving. That they understood each other’s pain. Even though he was much older than they all were, he often stayed around talking with them. He didn’t want to be estranged with any of them. Not ever. Not after what had happened to —

“Stefan! Will you talk to mama? Alex wants another chaperone.”

He rose instantly. “Of course, Robert. I will speak with her now.”

With substantial strides and a growling stomach, he headed towards the salon. He pushed the doors open and stepped in. His mother sat there, rocking back and forth in a chair and reading one of the poems she enjoyed so much. He stopped by the door when he smelled something. He tilted his head, his nose flaring.

“Mother, is that chicken —?”

“Oh, of course, dear. I’ve had a meal prepared for you. I knew that after eating Alex’s surprise, you’d still be hungry.” She chuckled. Then she gestured to the table beside the settee opposite her. “You should help yourself.”

His mother always knew what to do. He took a seat and began eating immediately. “So, Mother, what is this I hear about Alex’s chaperone giving her a difficult time?”

The dowager scoffed. “Nothing of such, dear. Lady Castleroy is strict, yes. But, at this point, she is what Alex needs.”

“But —”

“Alex wore breeches a month ago and went to shoot arrows at trees. I think she has forgotten she is a lady and not a boy. Her debutante is less than a year away, and if she keeps this up, she may end up a spinster for life. I don’t want that for her.”

Stefan pressed his lips together. After taking a sip of the wine his mother had placed before him, he inclined his head. “No one says anything good about Lady Castleroy.”

“It means she’s doing her job then. I want Alex to be a proper lady before the season ends.”

Stefan saw the point in what his mother was saying. Alexandra liked to behave like a lad. And maybe he had a hand in that somewhat by humoring his sister so much.

“And you!” The Dowager Duchess tossed her book aside and sat up, startling him a little. “You need to find a bride before the season has ended. I want you wed within two months!”

“Mother,” he sighed.

“That’s final, Stefan. Your reputation already precedes you. Everyone knows about all the women you bed.” The Dowager Duchess scowled. “I want nothing of that! You will bring home a proper young lady, not one who behaves like a lad, not an actress — oh definitely not — not one with a dotted background either. I want the future Duchess of York to be perfect.”

“Mother —”

“I suggest you stop sleeping around and settle for one. I will have no more word of you spending the night with any random woman. If word gets to me, you won’t like what I will do.”

He raised his brows at her threat. If there was one thing he was with her, it was honest. Touching his neatly combed blond hair, he flashed his heart-winning smile at her. “Mother, pray tell, why one lady should be allowed to have all of this?”

The Dowager scowled. He went on. “Mother, you know my feelings. I’ve always been plain-spoken with you regarding my views on marriage. Besides, William would be of age soon, and I assure you, you’d see your daughter-in-law then. But certainly not from me.”

“Stefan, stop that. It only works on other women, not me.” She had caught him. He was trying to win her over with his smile.

“Does my smile not remind you of father?” he teased.

She glowered at him, but he could see she was trying not to smile as well. “Stefan.”

He chuckled. “I’m not doing anything.” He shifted the table aside. The plate left was filled with bones, as he had eaten everything that had been on it.

“No, Stefan,” she called as he rose. “You will do exactly as I say. Keep away from all those women who let you bed them! Stefan —”

He bit his lips so he wouldn’t smile. When she threatened her children, one would think she had no love left for them. But he knew exactly how she felt about her beloved children.

He walked over to her and kissed her chastely on each cheek. She froze. “Where are you heading to?”

“I have…business to tend to tonight.”

“But you have just arrived!” The dowager massaged her temples. “Oh, dear Lord.”

Stefan knelt beside her, his hands on both sides of her chair. “Mother, you know I can’t get married. I don’t want to, ever. I am happy just the way I am. I need no lady to fill any space in my heart.”

The dowager’s eyes softened. “Child, there is a void in your heart, and when you find love, you will be free. All of this burden will be lifted from your shoulders. I know why you fear —”

He rose to his feet, shoving his hands in the pockets of his coat.

“No, mother. Don’t.” His smile disappeared and was replaced by a stony look. “I will not get married. I don’t want a bride. Love is an illusion; it does not exist.”

“What I had with your father was no illusion Stefan.”

“I know…but you were lucky. Not everyone is in luck when it comes to love, and you know it.”

“You have to let it go Stefan.”

“I have.”

“I hope, for the sake of Alexandra, William, and Robert, that you have. Because you have to, my child.”

He nodded at her once. “I’ll see you later Mama.”

“You’re getting older, and you need to wed.”

“I’m barely seven-and-twenty, Mama, I’m not quite old yet,” he muttered dryly and pulled open the salon door.

He had plans for the night. Thank God he’d made out those plans before going to see his mother. Because now more than ever, he needed to escape. He needed to escape Sands Castle and its pressures.

He had sent word to Miss Althea Bagsaw. He was to spend the night with her at Morton’s Place. Even his mother’s insistence of abstinence would not stop him. He didn’t need a damned wife. He just needed someone to satisfy him, and that was all. He had missed bedding English women. While in France, he had his fair share of women, but he had kept it at a minimum because the Duke watched him like a hawk.




The orphanage was swamped with little children, who despite everything provided, still looked unhappy, some angry, some sad and most seemed indifferent. He suspected it was not hunger that kept them this way but a void. A void which they hoped would someday be filled. Their parents had abandoned them, leaving them to endure the pains of the world alone. Stefan didn’t know what that was like, because all his life had his parents at his side. But he did know what it was like to lose a loved one. He donated to the orphanage a while back, and upon his return, he had announced that he was going to be there much more often, overseeing things for himself. After all, it was his duty to look out for his property — as the Duke.

While he watched the children, at the other end of the large room, by the doors that led to the nursery, there stood a lady. A few more other ladies surrounded her, but this one caught his eyes because she was… What? Because she was simply standing there?

He wasn’t quite sure. She looked delicate, fragile even. She stood, talking to a little girl and handing her something from a bag. She was dressed in blue and her light brown hair was left to tumble down her shoulders in waves. Her skin was pale, her long delicate fingers held on to sweets, which he presumed she was giving out to each of the children. She was slender, and not so tall, which made her look almost petite. Maybe that was what made him stare at her.

“Your Grace,” a lady said as she bowed, coming to stand in front of him. Lady Kinross. She was in charge of the orphanage. “You requested to see the children who are gravely ill. We have their room ready for you to visit.”

He blinked twice, before nodding. “Yes, yes. But who are all these people here?”

He gestured around to people walking by, and to the ladies at the end of the room.

Lady Kinross shrugged. “People who want to do good by helping children. They come to visit as they please. But we have marked out this day for visitors…”

“I see.” he nodded. “Take me to the children.”

The lady smiled, and he walked behind her.




He moved the horse closer to the river and the animal neighed. When they stopped at the bank, Stefan made no effort to get it to drink from the river. One could bring a horse to the water, but one can never force it to drink from it.

The horse neighed again, shying away from the water. Stefan sighed, looking up. He glanced ahead to see that the other side of the river was higher, with rocks built atop and dried to the earth. It seemed beautiful, staring at it from where he stood. Behind it, the horizon had risen. The sun glinted partly, for its image was covered by the rock. His horse seemed restless and nearly distracted him from staring at the sun. He held onto its reins firmly, but set his gaze high.

The horse neighed again, walking away from the river. Stefan almost gave in, but he remained where he was. He wanted to watch the sun as it changed colors across the horizon. Another neigh made him sigh. “Oh, all right. Let’s head out.”

He turned, and almost as though the sun was calling out to him, he heard a gasp. He swung back sharply. Standing at the edge of the rock and staring down at the river was a lady. He couldn’t make out her face because the sun shone her way and into his eyes, blocking his full view.

“Don’t move!” he screamed. But it was too late. Small stones rolled gently down the rocky hill, the lady gasped again and jerked forward a little. Stefan caught his breath as she stumbled down the stony hill and fell into the water with a loud splashing thud. She fell at the center, where the river was the deepest. He cursed, let go of his horse, took off his boots, and walked quickly into the river. The path where he stood was shallow, but as he drew near, the water’s current increased and his feet sunk deeper.

Soon, he was under, his breath held and his hands moving before him, clearing his path. He looked around, searching for the lady. When he neared the edge close to the rocky hill, he saw her sinking. Her hands were limp and the water was carrying her away from him. He swam quickly to her. Trying to fight the current, he tugged at her left hand with his right and used his left hand to fight against the pull of the water. He swam them both to the surface and toward shallow water. Once he could stand, he walked towards the riverbank, pulling her along with him.

His horse nickered, watching him. It was a miracle the beast had not fled. While the lady remained still, he pulled her to him and laid her on the riverbank. She was still motionless. He cursed. The water must have gotten to her. He pushed her hair aside, as it had been covering her face, so he could perform artificial respirations by placing his mouth on hers and breathing into her to extract water from her system.

He was stunned when he saw it was the lady from the orphanage. He held his breath and stared at her gown. It wasn’t what she had been wearing at the orphanage.

Sighing loudly, he bent his lips to her parted lips, placed his lips over hers, and blew his breath into her body mightily.

He repeated the process a few times and moved away from her, waiting for her reaction. He watched as the lady moved a bit, then gasped, her eyes flying open. Her lips parted, and water sputtered out if it. She was soon coughing and his hands instinctively rubbed her back. He sighed, thankful that she was alive. Soon, she laid back down on the sand, her breathing rough, like she was trying to catch her breath.

He was still above her. Her eyes flew open again, and he was soon staring into beautiful grey ones. Stefan watched as a flurry of emotions passed across her face and through those eyes. He had to crease his brows as he deciphered what those feelings could be. There was fear, panic, and then, maybe, sadness. She had, after all, almost lost her life. He stared at her, her pink lips, her high cheekbones, the flutter of her lashes. Soon he was leaning in, he heard her intake of breath, but he couldn’t stop himself. He closed in on her and once again placed his lips upon hers. This time, however, with a completely different intent. She gasped at the contact, and soon, they were both biting at each other’s lips very slowly, uncertainly, still conscious of what was happening. His hands curled into her brown hair, which felt like silk in his hands. So soft. He moaned as he pressed his body to hers, almost entirely lying above her. He felt her fists clench his waistcoat, and then, shove at his chest.

Weakly, he tossed himself aside, landing on the sand. He heard the scrambling noise beside him. Stefan glanced over just as the lady picked up her skirts by the hem to flee. He didn’t look up to know what direction the lady took to. Stefan simply lay there, staring at the sun and wondering what madness had fallen on him.


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  • Great preview chapters. I was so into the story I was sorry the chapter ended. Looking forward to reading more!

  • got me hooked. i HOPE Nicolas: drops dead… and i hope Esther gets the Man that will love her. and i HOPE that be Stefan… – i cannot wait to read the full book 🙂

  • I’m excited to know what happens between Esther and Stefan. I liked that the beginning didn’t start off as a typical love story but a dramatic and sad moment of betrayal. We only got to see a snapshot of these two characters and I would love to read more.

  • Enjoyed the very interesting start and the strange meeting of Nicholas and I presume Lady Esther. I am intrigued to see how their story will progress.

  • Very intriguing introduction. I want to know what happens next, but I have to wait. I understand Stefan’s impatience now.

  • Ok I am on the hook like a fish wriggling to get free as I can’t wait to read the rest. Looks like another great read

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